David Icke on Richard Dawkins

David Icke is well known for criticising religion - Christianity especially - but I've always wondered what his opinion of Richard Dawkins is. Well, in his new book he writes:
[The Illuminati] know how reality works and they want to make sure that their target population never does. Religion was their major vehicle for this through the ages and then 'science' came forward to play its crucial role in suppressing the truth. The party line in the 'science' establishment is that the world is solid and physical and there is no 'afterlife'. Anything to do with the so-called 'paranormal' is condemned or ridiculed by the programmed, often malevolent, 'experts' wheeled out to debunk views, experiences and research that demolish the manufactured myopia that is mainstream 'science'. Ironically, most of what is accepted as scientific 'fact' turns out to be simply assumption and not fact at all. This includes, indeed especially so, Charles Darwin's 'natural selection' or 'survival of the fittest'. As João Magueijo, the Portuguese cosmologist and Professor in Theoretical Physics at Imperial College London, said: ' ... most science is just a theory and is not motivated by existing observations crying out for an explanation.' He also rightly observed: 'It seems to me that contradicting textbook wisdom is only heresy for those who have learnt it from the text book.'

It is quite a sight to see 'experts', like Professor Richard Dawkins at Oxford University, trying to discredit anything that doesn't fit with their concrete belief-system. He condemns religion while being an evangelist for his own - the religion of this-world-is-all-there-is. Dawkins ridicules the 'God religions', but doesn't realise that he is a leading voice of the 'no-God religion'. He is the High Priest and Chief Zealot of the religion called 'Scientism' and he is desperate to debunk anything that could question his intellectual pre-eminence. Dawkins targets with religious zeal those who challenge the omnipotence of mainstream science. I have seen him close up during a debate at the Oxford Union, and also on his television programmes, attempting to debunk alternative healing and the 'paranormal'. I see fear in his eyes for some reason and almost a sense of panic and desperation. The thought that he could be wrong seems to terrify him, but surely he must know by now that he has been talking bollocks for decades. If he doesn't, given the evidence available, it's a real head-shaker. Where has he been? It is the legions of mind-made, song-sheet scientists like Dawkins that man the barricades whenever the party line is under threat. They are gatekeepers who seek to impose their own ignorance upon the masses. A few of them, and certainly those who run the institutions, know what they’re doing, but most have just been programmed by the system to program others.


The university system, elite or otherwise, is ever more irrelevant, ever more in retreat from the cutting edge. There is a revolution of perception going on and the isolated intellect simply can't see it, nor can it see how ignorant the religion of intellectualism really is. How is mainstream science ever going to understand reality when it is populated by 'scientists' filtering everything through a left-brain that can only perceive sequence, time and apartness? It never is and it was never meant to. The idea is to keep people from the truth about reality and the human condition by keeping that knowledge from science. It is the head/heart scientists who are at the cutting edge, not the regular bunch personified by people like Professor Richard Dawkins. He's the Darwinism groupie at Oxford University who targets his nose-in-the-air bile and ridicule at anyone who has another view of reality beyond the edges of his postage stamp. He condemns religion and yet he is the high-priest of his own - Scientism, the belief that only mainstream science has the truth and anything else is blasphemy. I once appeared with him at the Oxford Union years ago. It was like debating with concrete on legs. He didn't like me; I can't think why. The whole Darwinist nonsense, which takes the creator out of Creation, was carefully calculated to indoctrinate a mass perception of life with no purpose, one in which we are mere accidents of 'evolution' and life's a bitch and then you die. It still dominates the collective mind of what is bravely called 'science'.

As with medicine, law and education, so the closed-world of mainstream science is structured to repel all boarders who threaten to breach the dam that passes for its perception. One method is to attack alternative approaches to healing and condemn them as ' crackpot' or 'dangerous', but what could be more crackpot and dangerous to human health than chemotherapy? The science establishment presses for new laws to 'protect' people from alternatives while pursuing policies and technologies that are potentially lethal to both people and planet. Scientists who buck the establishment and seek knowledge through an open mind find their funding and job opportunities disappear. Talk to some of those scientists who have challenged the orthodoxy of global warming, for a start. It is the carrot and stick again and it is used across the entire system to keep dissenters in line and truth in the closet.


  1. This is fucking idiotic. David Icke is a complete and utter moron who doesn't have a clue about anything. He's the bastard that leads people astray in order to fill his pockets.

    The glorious part is that evolution is a FACT - evolutionary method is a theory but evolution DID HAPPEN, AS DOES NATURAL SELECTION. You'd have to be a fucking idiot to deny it.

    This all coming from a radical socialist who believes we're moving towards a NWO btw - so I'm hardly "close-minded". I just have a brain.

    1. How do you know its a fact? No one has ever observed anything evolve into something else.

  2. The guy above is right, I would love to see David Icke be confronted by Richard Dawkins.

  3. I think you just did.
    The guy above claims that Darwin's theory of the evolution of species is "a FACT", he offers no scientific proof, and then simply insults someone who doesn't share his belief-system.
    Looks like Richard Dawkins to me!

  4. yeh the guy above definitley has the mentality of a muslim extremist

  5. Apparently Dawkins did face David Icke in a debate at Oxford, and Dawkins came off looking considerably worse.

    1. Dawkins would make mincemeat of Icke I'm sure and tell him what mental disorder he is suffering from. Anyway without science Icke would not have all the resources he calls upon in his "lectures".

    2. Icke is from the media well versed in the concept that "bullshit baffles brains".

  6. Evolution is a religion. It requires faith.

    Once you allow yourself to begin questioning it, it is almost funny you 'believed' it for so long.

  7. - Evolution is a religion. It requires faith. Once you allow yourself to begin questioning it, it is almost funny you 'believed' it for so long.

    Ehm, how is that? Even if the above has some truth in it, it fits the concept of 'religion' a lot better. In fact, your statement is actually the funny one, as the term you so subtely marked with '', believe, is the foundation of religion, not science. Questioning the theory of evolution has nothing to do with believing, or any other scientific theory for that matter, as they are based on previous facts. Science does applaud anyone to question everything, it's a fundamental part of working towards experimental evidence.

    You yourself pose a 'scientific theory'. You state that evolution requires faith, and therefore can be described as a religion. Interesting. Now please support some facts for this theory. In fact, if you know the mechanisms of evolution you would see no faith is needed at all: a fundamental requirement of labelling a process evolution is that it has not goal whatsoever, it just is. But please prove otherwise, as a scientist I am very interested in that. Of course, if your theory would be true, it would pretty much debunk any theory to religion. In other words, your opinions or 'theories' would cancel itself out, rendering your argument completely void.

    1. Evolution requires faith because it cannot be observed experimentally. Because it cannot be observed, it is not a scientific theory at all. It is in fact a historical hypothesis.

  8. mere intellectualism that leads nowhere...knowledge and truth are found when thought processes cease...

  9. Atheists are idiots. Following a trend that will soon evaporate when these people die :)

  10. Evolution can be observed: in bacteria, and in those plants and animals that have been selected by humans for centuries for their food values. Tomatoes and chickens do not exist in nature, although both have related species there from which they were selectively evolved by human intervention. The history of agriculture is a microcosom of evolution of species on a larger level in nature.

    Bacteria have short enough lives that their evolution to a given selection force can be, and has been, demonstrated many times.

    1. Althrough, you possible could confirm the "Natural Selection" theory (maybe, which I cannot be sure anyway YET as I haven't done it by myself), you're still unable to prove/confirm the The Primeval Atom Hypothesis (or whatever Monseigneur Georges Lemaître called it) assuming bing bang theory has relation to evolution and neither you can give anything to prove/confirm the chaotic appereance of first cell in madly hot magma that formed the first life (atleast, this is what we got studied at school).

  11. This stuff is hilarious....I don't know which amazes me the most - the fact that David Icke is able to invent such shite, or that there are people even dumber than him who actually take him seriously...Perhaps the continued existence of people with such a low IQ should count as evidence against the theory of natural selection....

  12. La evolución no es una ciencia por que no es experimental ni se puede comprobar, si uno ha visitado un museo de fosiles se dara cuenta que los fosiles no tienen continuidad dentro de una cadena evolutiva, i las mutaciones no nos indican nada, por que esta comprobado que son degenerativas tampoco explica como ha aparecido la informacion en el ADN y cual es la naturaleza de la informacion y lo mas evidente es que no hoy en dia no hay ejemplos de evolucion de cambio de una especie ha otra especie ; o una especie en transicion que muestre que la evolucion continua como reptiles que estén desarrollando huesos para poder volar o empezando a crecer pequeñas plumas pequeñas plumas; todas son especies con cromosomas i ADNs bien definidas, y habria muchisimas cosas mas que comentar que no alcanzaria el tiempo.


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